Wednesday 31 December 2008

Bristol, UK in December 2008

I visited Bristol on the 10th of December in 2008. This city is located in the West England and is a mix of ancient and modern. It was the old part of the city that I liked. Photos of some of the interesting sites in Bristol that I visited:

A Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity (a)

The Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity (b)

The Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity (c)

The Old and the New Together

The above photo is of a dilapidated church building where a Christmas Market along with the fun wheel etc were there and presented a nice view of the old and the new together

A Panoramic View of Bristol (a)

A Panoramic View of Bristol (b)

A Panoramic View of Bristol (c)

Bristol Waterway

Another Cathedral In Bristol

An Interesting Wall Painting Outside a Building!

Bristol University

A Street in Bristol with Bristol University Tower in the Background

Tuesday 30 December 2008

Chepstow in Wales, UK

Recently I had an opportunity to go to Chepstow, a small town in the Wales in UK in December 2008 where I stayed for two days. It is a very small town by the river Avon. Just sitting by the river and looking at the nature can make your day. Here are some photos of this town that I would like to share with you.

River Avon near Chepstow

Hotel Marriott St Pierre Majestic Entrance Where I Stayed

Flowers at the Hotel

A Lake View

A Majestic Tree

Partially Frozen Lake

A Fort in Chepstow

Unfortunately by the time I got an oppurtunuity to visit this site it was already dark (it gets dark by 4 PM in winters) and there was no lighting arrangement at the Fort. Probably this is something to be taken care of by the Chepstow and Wales Tourism departments to atleast light up the outer walls!

A Church In Chepstow

Morning Frost in Chepstow
Frost in Chepstow

The frost was a feature in December in Chepstow and all grass use to look white in the mornings. The frost used to be there till at least noon and then again used to come back later in the evening

Friday 26 December 2008

Cambridge in December 2008

Recently in December 2008 I had gone to Cambridge in UK for some official work. I reached Cambridge on the afternoon of a cold, cloudy and rainy 13th of December. My meeting were to start at 5 PM so I had couple of hours which I utilized in visiting this beautiful University town. The main area of attraction are the five or so colleges of the University all located in the City Center. Cambridge though is smaller than the other University town of Oxford but the city center is equally beautiful. Most attractive is the King's college. Below are some photos of this town.

King's College, Cambridge

Canal near City Center, Cambridge

The Cambridge University