Thursday 30 January 2014

Lancaster University Seen From a Different Angle

Reflections in a water body gives a completely different perspective of things. The water body could be a permanent one like a lake, pond etc or just a temporary accumulation of water immediately after the rain. And this is the theme of this post where I am presenting to you some photos of various buildings and locations within the Lancaster University.

A small pond with Lotus flowers and reflecting the building next to it.

This is a small pond in between the Environment Centre and the Management School. Currently the building next to this has been demolished and a new building is coming up.

Carter Lake

The University has its own lake to boast of called the Carter lake! The reflection of the dense trees next to the water body gives the impression of a greater depth than it actually is.Though not a big lake it has lotus plants and flowers as well as numerous ducks. The lake is close to the Sports Centre.

Reflection of the sky on the road

This is near InfoLab21 which houses the School of Computing and Communications. It had rained just some time back so the water had not completely drained off from the road forming this temporary pool. The weather here is very unpredictable and it rains often.


This is next to the Lancaster Institute for Contemporary Arts or as everyone uses its acronym LICA. This artificial water body next to the building reflects not only the building  but also the sky and the lights. Again there are normally ducks floating on this water body.

Lancaster University

Again this is the reflection of the building very close to the Lancaster University Management School (LUMS). This small water pool reflects the various moods of the sky during the day.


The above photo is close to the Cavendish Lecture Theatre and the Faraday Building that houses the Natural Sciences Building. Again this is immediately after rainfall. Across the University there are beautiful flowers that have been planted.

Bowland Building

This is the Bowland building's and the flower's reflection. This is very close to Alexandra Square which is like the centre of the University having the Learning Zone, shopping complex, University House, Library etc.

Also read: The Hidden Gem of Lancaster University

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